
How To Bundle Items For Fba/you Fba/youtube

So, your product has been delivered by your supplier, you've got the product description and list gear up, and you're ready to ship your product off to Amazon FBA. What steps do yous need to take to transport products to Amazon FBA, and what tools can you employ to brand the process easier?

Shipping to FBA, Pace-by-Pace

The kickoff matter you need to decide is whether yous want to sell your production exclusively through FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon), or if yous want to sell it both FBA and FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant).If you choose to sell your production both FBA and FBM, starting time past going to Inventory in Seller Cardinal, finding your listing, clicking the dropdown arrow on the correct-hand side, and selecting "Copy listing."

When you make the copy, be sure to have the option reading "I want Amazon to ship and provide client service for my items if they sell" checked. This will create an FBA listing.

Now, why not simply create a new listing that's an verbal duplicate of the original, with a new UPC code, and sold FBA? Having both the FBA and FBM versions of the product listed under the aforementioned ASIN will salve you time and hassle and help with your product'southward search ranking. Every customer volition land on the same listing, instead of beingness directed to two separate listings. From that one listing, customers will have the pick to choose FBA or FBM. Additionally, you won't take to get new reviews on the separate listing. When FBM and FBA shipping options are attached to the same ASIN, the reviews encompass both.

Something else to go on in heed: you lot can charge more than for FBA products. Information technology'due south expected, and the higher price will aid cover FBA fees.

If you desire merely an FBA listing, without an FBM listing, you don't demand to re-create your listing. All you accept to exercise is select "Modify to Fulfilled by Amazon" on the same dropdown card.

On the adjacent folio, you'll be asked whether yous desire to use your ain barcodes, or have Amazon provide the barcodes. I always go with Amazon'due south barcodes, for convenience.

If yous're ready to send inventory to Amazon FBA right away, click "Convert and Send Inventory." If you're not ready to send inventory, just click "Convert," and when you lot're fix, yous can click "Furnish inventory."

Create a shipping plan

Side by side, you'll be asked if you want to create a new shipping program or add to an existing ane. If you've never sent a production before, you'll need to create a new shipping program. For packing type, you lot should select "individual products" or "example-packed products" which applies when you are sending large quantities of products in boxes called cases.

Click "Keep to shipping plan." Side by side, you'll be asked how many units you want to transport. Here, you lot tin can besides change your shipment name, which I recommend. Click "Rename" in the top left corner and change the name Amazon auto-generated to something more helpful for your ain inventory organisation. I ordinarily utilize the engagement, the quantity, and the product name.

Amazon will then ask yous for labeling. Every item sent to Amazon FBA needs to exist labeled. You could print off labels and label each product past mitt or, you could take Amazon do it for you. It costs $0.20 per item to have Amazon do information technology for y'all and saves you lot time, a article you cannot get a refund on. For 25 items, you pay a grand full of $5 to accept Amazon do the labeling. Simply click the dropdown and select "Amazon" under the "Who labels?" column. Keep in mind, this means it will accept a few more days for your product to be prepare in Amazon's warehouse, since someone has to affix each of those labels. Sometimes the Amazon employees will put the label correct over your logo, so I recommend you put a hand written note in the box that says, "Please do not put the labels over our logo."

On the adjacent page, Amazon will tell yous how many shipments to ship your production in. You tin can't always transport all your units in i box; Amazon might want 2 or 3 boxes, so information technology tin split your inventory into different warehouses. Once yous're finished here, click "Approve shipment."

Side by side, you'll encounter a list of all the canonical shipments. Click "Work on shipment" for the commencement bundle y'all want to send.

At present, you tin can pick a carrier. At the time of this writing, Fedex and UPS are both Amazon-preferred carriers which ways you will relieve a lot of money going with them. Unless you've got a massive shipment, you'll most likely desire to select "Small parcel delivery" here.

If your items are less than a pound and relatively small-scale, y'all probably won't need to ship in multiple boxes, so you'll select "Everything in one box" nether "Shipment packing."

Next, y'all'll input the weight and dimensions of your box. It's a good strategy to circular up, just to exist absolutely certain you don't underpay for shipping. If you underpay, Amazon will send your shipment dorsum, and you'll have a hassle reprinting shipping labels and sending it back in.

Once you press "confirm," Amazon will calculate the aircraft cost for you lot. Click the checkmark to concur with Amazon's terms and conditions, and then click "Accept charges to pay the shipping.

Now, you can impress the labels Amazon provided, stick them on the box, and send the bundle on its style to Amazon's FBA heart.

Practical shipping tools

Now, let me show y'all a few practical tools to aid you with the
aircraft process.


I found this scale on eBay for around $25, and information technology's
perfect for weighing products and packages. My favorite characteristic? The display is
separate from the trunk of the scale, so if yous put a large box on the calibration, it
won't cover the screen. This scale makes weighing large boxes much easier.

Air Packing Pillows

If you're using a box slightly bigger than the production you're
shipping, you can use these to fill the extra space. These fill the extra infinite
speedily and keep your production cushioned and protected. Packing your product
safely is vital, because you never know what a box might go through in the
hands of a UPS employee. Accidents happen.

Chimera Wrap

Chimera wrap is nifty for filling smaller empty spaces inside
boxes. You can scrunch bubble wrap upwardly and pack it tightly to absorber and
protect products.

Packaging Tape

Packaging record is an essential, just there'south a play tricks for saving money. Buy one roll of record with the dispenser, and so buy a pack of 25
or 50 tape roll replacements for inexpensive. When the tape runs out, only stick a
new roll onto the dispenser.


The almost obvious merely almost of import packing supply is a box. Amazon
requires FBA shipments to be package in boxes, not plastic packages or

If you determine to sell your production FBA, proceed
these tips and instructions in mind. There are always ways to relieve time and
coin , and to streamline the process so you tin ship
products to Amazon FBA hassle-free.

As your Amazon business organization expands, I highly recommend you have your supplier impress the FNSKU labels onto your retail packaging. You will meet this label when y'all are preparing your shipment. It's the aforementioned characterization that you or Amazon would have otherwise attached to every one of your products going into Amazon's warehouse.

This not only looks the about clean and professional, but it saves you time and ultimately money. Most Chinese suppliers and freight forwarders practise not have a working relationship or partnership with Amazon's preferred carriers which ways if your products practice not go far within the i hour window of time given to exist at Amazon'due south dock, yous products will take to await two weeks upwards to a total month earlier Amazon will allow them to schedule another slot to deliver your products.

Yous do not have to physically meet your product earlier it goes into Amazon's warehouse. It is less costly and far faster to have a product inspection conducted. Our team will deliver you a 25+ page report with images and noticing imperfections all the mode down to smudges and hairs on your product to ensure information technology is ready to go.

I highly recommend y'all work with a freight forwarder who works with Amazon preferrer partners just. We can assistance y'all put together a shipping plan, discover a trusted freight forwarder, and more.


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